Linux Little Tricks


  • cats and dogs Result about cats or dogs
  • "cats and dogs" Result about exact term “cats and dogs”
  • cats -dogs Fewer dogs in result
  • cats +dogs More dogs in result
  • cats filetype:pdf PDFs about cats
    • Supported types: pdf, doc(x), xls(x), ppt(x), html
  • * 模糊
  • .... 范围
  • intitle:标题
  • inurl:网址
  • related:相关类型
  • define:word
  • etymology:"word,"
  • joker


  • Browser: SwitchyOmega
  • gfwlist:
  • Terminal Proxy

CapsLock -> Ctrl


  • xev 展示按下按键的信息
  • pacman -S xorg-xmodmap: xmodmap xmodmap -pke xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap
  • 使用 remaps 脚本


  • dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options "['caps:ctrl_modifier']"


  • xorg 使用 libinput 配置触控板
  • dwm 默认触控板无法使用单击, 双击等
  • xorg.conf.d 目录下添加 30-touchpad.conf 配置文件, 并添加以下配置
    • 30 表示执行顺序 (10 比 30 先执行)
    • .conf 后缀 arch wiki 说必须加上不可以省略
Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "touchpad"
    Driver "libinput"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    Option "Tapping" "on"
    Option "TappingButtonMap" "lmr"
    Option "NaturalScrolling" "true"


X11 默认多显示器是相同输出, xrandr 可以用来查看显示器输出端口的信息, 可以通过两种方式设置

  1. xrandr --output DP1 --auto --right-of eDP1 可以设置显示器显示不同的内容
  2. 设置配置文件 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-monitor.conf
Section "Device"
  Identifier "Intel Corporation HD Graphics 630"  # 视频输出的显卡名,可以通过 `lspci -v` 查看
  Option "Monitor-eDP1" "eDP1 screen"
  Option "Monitor-DP1" "DP1 screen"

Section "Monitor"
  Identifier "DP1 screen"
  Option "RightOf" "eDP1 screen"

Section "Monitor"
  Identifier "eDP1 screen"
  • 设置 Xorg 多显示器显示相同的内容
    • xrandr --output DP1 --auto --same-as eDP1
    • --mode 可以设置分辨率

Archlinux install Latex

  • pacman -S texlive-most
    • texlive-most is a package group, includes texlive-core texlive-bin
    • texlive-lang 添加除英文外的其他语言的支持, 不推荐安装
  • pdftex '\empty Hello World!\bye' 查看是否安装成功
  • texdoc 查看帮助文档的命令


设置 grub 主题

  1. 复制 grub2 主题到 /boot/grub/themes
  2. vim /etc/default/grub 修改 GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/{theme_name}/theme.txt
  3. grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg 重新创建 grub 配置

archlinux using 32位 gcc

首先, 修改 /etc/pacman.conf 文件

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

安装 pacamn -S multilib-devel lib32-glibc lib32-gcc-libs

使用 cronie 设置定时任务

tmux 使用 ssh 连接,断开连接后 tmux session 也会关闭的问题

  • 默认应该是不会发生这种情况的,但如果发生了看下面的解决办法
  • 编辑 /etc/systemd/logind.conf 文件
  • 设置 KillExcludeUsers=root MY_USERNAMEKillUserProcess=no
  • 产生问题的原因应该是 optimus manager 在这个文件中 /usr/lib/systemd/logind.conf.d/*.conf 设置了 KillUserProcess=yes
  • tmux server being killed after logging out

使用 laptop 时关闭合盖后依然保持运行


file permissions

  • files
    • Read – Can view or copy file contents
    • Write – Can modify file content
    • Execute – Can run the file (if its executable)
  • directories
    • Read – Can list all files and copy the files from directory
    • Write – Can add or delete files into directory (needs execute permission as well)
    • Execute – Can enter the directory

locale problem: not found files

  • Arch: See Installation Guide
  • Fedora: dnf install langpacks-zh_CN
  • Ubuntu:
    • cd /usr/share/locales
    • ./install-language-pack zh_CN.UTF-8
    • dpkg-reconfigure locales

X11 Debug a Window Manager

  • use Xephyr :1 to start a new DISPLAY server
  • use DISPLAY=:1 {gui_command} to start gui_command in the new server

ubuntu using x11 instead of wayland

  • vim /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
  • uncomment this line #WaylandEnable=false

ubuntu disable showing icons in desktop


Arch Linux Install

  • pacman -S virtualbox
    • 使用virtualbox-host-modules-arch内核依赖
  • 创建虚拟机有问题就重新加载内核执行命令 sudo vboxreload
  • Install extpack
    • download the extension manually
    • sudo VBoxManage extpack install <.vbox-extpack>

VirtualBox in windows 11 are so slow

< << <<< <()

  • input redirections explation

  • gnu redirections

  • <: The input redirection cat <

  • <<: The here document cat > output.txt <<EOF the EOF is an DELIMITER, when stdin recives the DELIMITER, the stdin will close

  • <<<: The here string cat <<< "Demo text" input one line of stings to a script or a command.

  • <(): redirection command output to another command cat <(echo "Demo text")